CBR Examencentrum Venlo
Parlevinkerweg 1
5928NV Venlo

Tel. 088 227 7700

CBR Venlo

Just a little while longer and you can hit the road with your moped, car or motorcycle! First you have to make at least two more visits to the CBR in Venlo to pass both your theory and your practical exam. Of course you will not start such a big step without a thorough preparation. Make sure that you have blocked enough hours and that you have followed sufficient driving lessons. Only then will you have the most chance of success when you take your exams at the CBR in Venlo!

CBR Venlo theory exam

Before you can drive your car or motorcycle in practice, you still need to have your theory exam in the pocket via CBR in Venlo. We therefore recommend that you use recent teaching material in the preparation. That way you know for sure that you know all the current traffic rules. Do you know the material completely by heart? Log in quickly with your DigiD to request your theory exam at the CBR in Venlo! You can also do this at one of the many other CBR locations.

Reserve the CBR Venlo

When you have taken sufficient lessons and have taken the interim test, it is high time to reserve your practical exam at the CBR in Venlo. Your driving instructor must agree that you are ready for this. Once that agreement is reached, you must authorize your driving school to request the exam for you. In other words, unlike your theory test, you cannot reserve the practical test yourself at the CBR in Venlo. So make sure you have gained all practical experience to look forward to the exam with confidence!

CBR Venlo exam center

It is good to know what you can expect as soon as you arrive at the exam center at the CBR in Venlo. That is why we are happy to give you an overview of this! First of all you get to know your examiner. He or she quietly goes through all the steps with you and together you handle the final formalities. This is how he or she checks:

  • Whether you have a valid invitation for the exam with you
  • Whether you can hand over a valid proof of identity
  • Whether you have passed your theory exam
  • Whether you have filled in the 'Self-reflection' form

After that, your eyes and your knowledge about the car will be tested briefly in succession. You can then take a predetermined route with your examiner from the CBR in Venlo. Back at the exam center you will immediately hear whether you have passed!